HB1 14 IO PLC – Relay


each ex-GST*

PLC with 8 x Digital IN 6 x Relay OUT (Expandable)

Part Number: HB1-14MBR25-D24S

  • Stand-alone or Fatek P5 series HMI Rear Mount
  • Execution speed 0.33uS/Sequential instruction
  • Program capacity 8K Words
  • Program memory FLASH ROM or SRAM + Battery Back-up
  • Sequential instruction 36 instructions
  • Function instruction 326 instructions
  • Flow chart command (SFC) 4 instructions
  • Communication Interface Port 0 (RS232) Port 1 ~ 4 (RS232 and/or RS485)
  • Free Programming Software WinProLadder

The HB1/B1-PLC’s design incorporates a “System on Chip” (SoC) developed in-house by Fatek Corporation. The BGA chip consists of over 120,000 gates which integrates powerful features such as a Central Processing Unit (CPU), Memory, Hardware Logic Solver (HLS), 5 high-speed communication ports, 4 sets of hardware high-speed counters/timers, 4 axes of high-speed pulse outputs for NC positioning control (with linear interpolation), 16 high-speed interrupts and captured inputs. The HB1/B1-PLC represents high functionality and reliability with exceptional value compared to other PLC’s in its class.

The HB1/B1-PLC has more than 300 instructions which adopts a user friendly and readable multi-input/multi-output function structure. With this multi-input instruction structure the user can derive many types of functionality which other brands of PLC’s may require the use of many instructions to achieve this. Also the operation result can be directly sent to internal or external outputs. To increase the program readability, the inputs or outputs for each function instruction have their own mnemonic symbol attached and the content of each operand is also displayed. For high-end applications, such as PLC networking (LINK), PID control and NC positioning etc, the HB1/B1-PLC provides dedicated convenient instructions to assist in program development.

Communication function (up to 5 ports including RS232 and/or RS485). Via the five high-speed communication ports included in the SoC, the HB1/B1-PLC’s communication capability is outstanding operating at a maximum speed of 921.6Kbps. Communications can be achieved using ASCII code or the double-speed binary code. Along with FATEK’s standard protocol, Modbus ASCII/RTU/TCP or user-definable protocols are also available. The HB1/B1-PLC also provides the option of 8 different communication boards and 10 different communication modules for various types of communication applications. With their high speed and functionality the HB1/B1-PLC has the greatest number of communication ports than any other PLC in its class. Each communication port comes standard with LED indicators for transmission (TX) and reception (RX) to enable the user to monitor the operation.

Main unit specifications

Execution speed: 0.33uS/Sequential instruction

Program capacity: 8K Words

Program memory: FLASH ROM or SRAM + Lithium battery for Back-up

Sequential instruction: 36 instructions

Function instruction: 326 instructions (126 kinds)

Flow chart command: (SFC) 4 instructions

Communication Interface Port 0: (RS232 or USB) Communication speed 4.8k ~ 115.2Kbps (9.6Kbps)*

Port 1 ~ Port 4: (RS232 or RS485)

Communication speed 4.8k ~ 921.6Kbps (9.6Kbps)*
Port1 ~ 4 provides FATEK or Modbus TCP/RTU/ASCII or user defined communication protocol
Maximum link stations 254

Digital (Bit status) [X] Input contact (DI):  x + y = 128 Corresponding to external digital input

[Y] Output relay/transistor (DO):  x + y = 128 Corresponding to external digital output

[TR] Temporary relay: TR0~TR39 (40)

[M] Internal relay:

Non-retentive M0 ~ M799 (800)* Can be configured as retentive type M1400 ~ M1911 (512)
Retentive M800 ~ M1399 (600)* Can be configured as non-retentive type

Special relay: M1912 ~ M2001 (90)

[S] Step relay:

Non-retentive S0 ~ S499 (500)* S20 ~ S499 can be configured as retentive type
Retentive S500 ~ S999 (500)* Can be configured as non-retentive type

[T] Timer: “Time-Up” status contact T0 ~ T255 (256)

[C] Counter: “Count-Up” status contact C0 ~ C255 (256)

Register (Word data) [TMR] Timer: current value register

0.01S Time base T0 ~ T49 (50)*
0.1S Time base T50 ~ T199 (150)*
1S Time base T200 ~ T255 (56)*
*T0 ~ T255 numbers for each time base can be adjusted.

[CTR] Counter: current value register

Retentive C0 ~ C139 (140)* Can be configured as non-retentive type
Non-retentive C140 ~ C199 (60)* Can be configured as retentive type
Retentive C200 ~ C239 (40)* Can be configured as non-retentive type
Non-retentive C240 ~ C255 (16)* Can be configured as retentive type

[HR DR] Data register:
R0 ~ R2999 (3000)* Can be configured as non-retentive type
D0 ~ D3999 (4000)
R3000 ~ R3839 (840)* Can be configured as retentive type

[HR ROR] Data register:
Retentive R5000 ~ R8071 (3072)* When not configured as ROR, it can serve normal register (for read/write)
Read only register R5000 ~ R8071 can be set as ROR ~ default setting is (0)* ROR is stored in special ROR area and not occupy program space
File register F0 ~ F8191 (8192) Save/retrieved via dedicated instruction

[IR] Input register: R3840 ~ R3903 (64) Corresponding to external numeric input

[OR] Output register: R3904 ~ R3967 (64) Corresponding to external numeric output

Special system register R3968 ~ R4167 (197), D4000 ~ D4095 (96)
0.1mS high-speed timer register R4152 ~ R4154 (3)
High-speed counter register: Hardware (4 sets) DR4096 ~ DR4110 (4×4)  Software (4 sets) DR4112 ~ DR4126 (4×4)

Calendar Register:
R4128 (sec) R4129 (min) R4130 (hour) R4131 (day) R4132 (month) R4133 (year) R4143 (week)

[XR] Index register: V , Z (2), P0 ~ P9 (10)

Interrupt control External interrupt control: 32 interrupts (16 points input positive/negative edge)

Internal interrupt control: 8 interrupts (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 50, 100mS)

0.1mS high speed timer(HST) 1 (16-bit), 4 (32-bit, share with HHSC)
High-speed counter
Hardware high-speed counter (HHSC) /32-bit:
No. of channels: Up to 4
Counting mode: 8 modes (U/D, U/Dx2, P/R, P/Rx2, A/B, A/Bx2, A/Bx3, A/Bx4)
Counting frequency: Maximum is 200KHz (Single-end input) or 920KHz (differential input)Software high-speed counter (SHSC) /32-bit:
No. of channel Up to 4
Counting mode 3 modes (U/D, P/R, A/B)
Counting frequency Maximum sum up to 5KHz**Total number of HHSC and SHSC is 8 HHSC can be converted into 32-bit/0.1mS time base High-Speed Timer (HST) |Half of maximum frequency while A/B input
pulse out
Number of axis: Up to 4

Output frequency: Maximum is 200KHz (Single-end output) or 920KHz (differential output) Half of the maximum while A/B output

Pulse output mode: 3 modes (U/D, P/R, A/B)

Programming method: Dedicated position language

Interpolation: Maximum 4 axes linear interpolation

Number of points: Up to 4
Output frequency:72Hz ~ 18.432KHz (with 0.1% resolution)
720Hz ~ 184.32KHz (with 1% resolution)
Captured input Points: Maximum 36 points (All inputs in main unit are suitable this feature)
Minimum capturable Pulse width:
>10 μS (for ultra high speed / high speed input)
>47 μS (for Medium speed input)
>470 μS (for Medium low speed input)
Digital filter X0 ~ X15:
Adjustable frequency 14KHz ~ 1.8MHz Chosen by frequency at high frequency
Adjustable time constant 0 ~ 1.5mS/0~15mS ( unit: 0.1mS/1mS ) Chosen by time constant at low frequencyX16 ~ X35: Time constant 1 ~ 15mS adjustable (unit: 1ms)

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